The Edinburgh Committee of St John Scotland decided in 2015 to lend their support to the provision of public access defibrillators throughout the City of Edinburgh, to aid the first response to its citizens and visitors. We aim to do this by choosing strategic sites which take account of the volume of people in the immediate vicinity of the defibrillator and also trying our utmost to ensure 24/7/365 access.
We intend to deliver public access defibrillators through a combination of direct fundraising appeals to Edinburgh's citizens and by developing partnerships with any organization, business or otherwise, seeking to contribute to the well-being of our city.
This project presents an ideal opportunity for businesses wanting to make a practical demonstration of their corporate social responsibility whilst raising health awareness with their staff.
To view a leaflet with details about the St John and the City Project, please click here...
Out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is a significant healthcare challenge in Scotland. Approximately 3,500 people undergo attempted resuscitation each year after OHCA, but currently only around 1 in 20 survive to hospital discharge.
Defibrillation works in synergy with CPR, and is most effective the earlier it is performed. Delivering a defibrillatory electrical shock to the heart within 3-5 minutes of collapse can produce survival rates as high as 75%.
(Source: Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest, A Strategy for Scotland. The Scottish Government, March 2015)
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being undertaken by St John Scotland